Dreams Really Do Come True
Dreams Really Do Come True

Dreams Really Do Come True

  Dreams really do come true.  As I say it, I hear the Disney song playing in my head.  Not such a bad thing to have running through my head.

This week I had a dream of putting some order into my life on Wednesday.  I had a list of things that I wanted to do to accomplish that.  I didn’t know if I would be able to get to finish all of them, but at least if I could see them on paper I wouldn’t forget.  I also wanted to be sure to do something fun.

Did I finish all of them that day?  No.  Not even close.  I made good progress on – get ready for it – one.  That’s it.  One.  And I didn’t even finish it.  I did do something fun, which was also important to me, but it was a little disheartening to realize that I did one thing on my list and I didn’t even finish it.  Until later that evening when I realized that I had time over the next few days – because I had planned ahead so I would have time to get some things done this week – but in my head it all had to happen that day.  So, I didn’t do it all in one day, but it really wasn’t attainable anyway, and I didn’t even need to do it all in one day.

That got me started thinking.  What are dreams anyway?  Not the kind you have when you sleep.  The kind that you aspire to.  Maybe it’s a new job, going on a dream vacation, starting a new career…  It can be so many things.  It can be big or small.  And how do those things come true?  I think we tend to think they just magically happen, and that they are lofty, they are impossible.  They are dreams, after all.  But the reality is that very little in life just happens.  We have to work towards making our dreams – whether big or small – come true.

And if we have to work towards making our dreams come true, how do we do that?  I think there are smaller steps to get there.  My dream this week of making some order out of what feels like chaos in my life looked something like this:

  • Clean up bins from Christmas decorating;
  • Fold towels and put them away;
  • Write appointments on the calendar that were only on the calendar on my phone;
  • Decluttering;
  • Write my weekly blog post;
  • Finish a spreadsheet that I have been working on;
  • Clean up the kitchen (Every time I feel like I’ve gotten on top of the dishes we eat again. It’s a vicious cycle.)

Not exactly exciting or lofty goals.  Just everyday things that were going to make a difference to how I felt.

There was also a fun things to do list.  It may seem ridiculous to have a fun things to do list, but this way I actually make a point of doing something fun and not just spending my day getting things done – not that there’s anything wrong with that. That list looked something like this:

  • Christmas baking;
  • Christmas cards;
  • Decluttering (Yes, this one was on both lists.  Throwing things away and putting other things in a pile to donate is an amazing feeling.)

As I write this, I look around and I see bins of Christmas decorations that need tidying before they can be put away.  They will probably be what I tackle next.  And then I’m going to sit down and take a break with my tea of the day from my tea advent calendar.  Maybe I’ll have a little treat with it.  And maybe I will sit under my electric blanket while I have my tea and a treat.  Now, THAT sounds like a dream come true.



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