Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Heather, and I hope when you come here you will find something that makes you smile and helps take your mind off the cares of the world, even if only for a few minutes.
I love my garden – though I do have to admit that I am a lazy gardener – and in August 2019 I took up photography. Well, that was when I bought a camera. I have enjoyed taking pictures for a long time. My mom will tell you the story of when I was about 10 and took a whole roll of pictures of ducks! Yes, they were all pictures of the same ducks. And yes, this was when we had to pay to have the whole roll developed before we knew what the pictures looked like. What can I say? I had to get just the right angle! Clearly, digital photography is the thing for me!
My husband and I are very lucky to live in an established neighbourhood and have a big backyard with lots of big mature trees. We have a large terraced flower garden with a waterfall running through it. I love taking pictures of my garden, and of the visitors to the yard: the bees, butterflies, birds, and bunnies who come to visit. I love watching and taking pictures of nature, whether it is at the zoo, in my yard, a park, or out in the wild.
I’m excited to share it all with you!